1. Before you grab your phone, laptop or hit the shops, make a list of which items you need.
  2. Once you're in the shop, keep looking for that particular item. Don't let yourself get side tracked :-) Not easy but remember, marketing is designed to get you side tracked.
  3. Don't use a payment card or credit card. Just use cash and keep to that amount. This way you can't maximize your budget and feel guilty afterwards.
  4. Shop sale items when you have to watch your budget. 
  5. Ask yourself would I wear it?
    Although sale shopping is wise, it is important not to let price completely determine your purchase. 
    Very often we buy a size too big or too small because it is a great bargain. However, next week you won't remember the price and wear or not wear the item because it matches those shoes or because it's comfortable etc :-)

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